Looking for an instant apple orchard or a unique deciduous screen with edible fruit? We have large-caliper, mature apple trees available in tree form and espalier. The tree form are Gala and average approx. 10/12' H&W. They are available in calipers ranging from 5"-10" and produce bountiful fruit.
Specimen Gala Apple Tree
Orchard Grove
6" caliper Gala Apple Tree
Loading Specimen Apple Tree
Our Specimen Espalier Apple Trees are Jonagold. Calipers range from 3"-8". Most are approx. 10/12'H with widths ranging from 6'-14'! These have been orchard pruned and have horizontal branches with calipers up to 2". They create an instant green fence with spring flowers and an edible crop.
Jonagold Apple Espalier Specimen- 3"caliper
Jonagold Espalier Specimens- branching structure
Specimen Espalier Apples provide instant screen
Jonagold Apples fruiting on Specimen Espalier
We also have about 5 Specimen Melrose Apple Trees. They are approx. 6/7'H x 7/8'W with calipers in the 4-5"range...
Specimen Melrose Apple tree
Specimen Melrose Apple tree- 4" caliper, fruiting