Specimen Acer palmatum- multis (only 2 Avail)

Green leaf maples are increasingly popular again this year, especially straight Acer palmatum.  These beauties are approx. 10/12'H x 12/14'W and have been very well taken care of.  They will add instant impact and create an established look to any landscape, especially when the fall color hits...

Acer palmatum, multi   Specimen

Acer palmatum, multi   Specimen

Acer palmatum, multi Specimen A

Acer palmatum, multi Specimen A

Acer palmatum, multi  Specimen B

Acer palmatum, multi  Specimen B

Evergreen Hedging

More manageable then the species, Prunus laur. 'Nana' usually grows to between 6-10'H and 6-8'W.  English laurels require a certification process to be permitted into California and we currently have good numbers on some 4/5' Nanas that are certified and ready to ship!  If you're not in CA, we can get larger too.

Prunus laur. 'Nana'  4/5'

Prunus laur. 'Nana'  4/5'

'Koto No Ito' & 'Seiryu'

2 magnificent specimen Japanese Maples will be gone as quickly as they arrived.  The first is a Acer p. 'Koto no ito' with a 5.5" caliper.  The tree is approx. 14/16'H x 12/14'W.  The largest we've had available in a long time.

Acer p. 'Koto no ito'  specimen

Acer p. 'Koto no ito'  specimen

Acer p. 'Koto no ito'  specimen, alt view

Acer p. 'Koto no ito'  specimen, alt view

We also found an Acer p.d. 'Seiryu' with a very unique shape and is starting to develop some very nice tiers.  It is approx. 12/14'H x 10/12'W.

Acer p.d. 'Seiryu'  specimen

Acer p.d. 'Seiryu'  specimen

Metasequoia, Cedrus libani, Carpinus, Apple & Rhodie specimens

We just located and dug 5 more amazing specimen trees.  Any of these will give an instant finished look to your garden and create a magnificent anchor in the landscape.  The first is a specimen Metasequoia glyptostroboides that measures approx. 30/35'H x 16/18'W.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides  specimen

Metasequoia glyptostroboides  specimen

Next is a Cedrus libani that tips at about 40/42'H !!!  Tough to beat in the landscape as far as instant, unique character goes...

Cedrus libani   40' specimen

Cedrus libani   40' specimen

Once the branches of a mature Carpinus bet. 'Fastigiata' begin to relax, you get something that looks like this beauty below.  This one is approx 20/25'H & W.

Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'  mature specimen

Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'  mature specimen

With increased demand for edible ornamentals in the garden, this specimen columnar apple tree would be a perfect fit in todays landscapes.  It's approx. 17/18'H x 6/7'W with a 6" caliper.  We believe the variety is Scarlet Sentinel.  

Columnar Apple Tree 'Scarlet Sentinel'  specimen

Columnar Apple Tree 'Scarlet Sentinel'  specimen

Scarlet Sentinel flower

Scarlet Sentinel flower

Apple 'Scarlet Sentinel'  fruit

Apple 'Scarlet Sentinel'  fruit

And lastly, a near perfect Rhododendron specimen.  We were told the flower is dark pink/ red.  This one measures approx. 11/12'H x 13/14'W and looks great from all sides.  

Rhododendron,  unknown red or pink specimen

Rhododendron,  unknown red or pink specimen

Amazing Camellia specimens- HUGE!

We recently dug two large specimen Camellias from a local private garden.  They were just barely touching so are slightly sided (as photos show).  Perfect for a spot where you wouldn't see the back right now, or they'll fill out within the next few seasons with a little patience and TLC.  The first one is approx. 10/12'H x 12/14'W with white flowers.

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink/White stripe Specimen

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink/White stripe Specimen

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink/White stripe, back view

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink/White stripe, back view

Camellia jap. Unknown Pink/White stripe

Camellia jap. Unknown Pink/White stripe

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink/White stripe, trunk close-up

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink/White stripe, trunk close-up

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink/White stripe  Specimen on March 15, 2014

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink/White stripe  Specimen on March 15, 2014

The second camellia is approx. 12/14'H x 14/16'W with pink flowers.  Its already started to fill out.

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink Specimen

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink Specimen

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink, back view

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink, back view

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink, flower detail

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink, flower detail

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink,  April 1, 2014

Camellia jap.  Unknown Pink,  April 1, 2014

Instant Impact!!

Hard to miss these giant Acer p. 'Sango Kaku' specimens...  These have been cut back a few times to promote an abundance of bright red stems.  These are approx 10/12' tall and wide with 5" calipers.  Perfect for a backdrop of color. 

Acer p. 'Sango Kaku'  specimen

Acer p. 'Sango Kaku'  specimen

Acer p. 'Sango Kaku'  row of color

Acer p. 'Sango Kaku'  row of color

Bonsai Climbing Hydrangea

These Hydrangea an. petiolaris have been trained for several years to develop thick heavy stalks, all with very unique character.  We recently hard pruned about 15 of them to create an open twisting habit.  Most are between 4-6' tall.

Hydrangea an. pet. Bonsai

Hydrangea an. pet. Bonsai

Hydrangea an. pet.  Bonsai, alt view

Hydrangea an. pet.  Bonsai, alt view

Jr Specimen Taxus- green and gold !

We have a limited amount of both Taxus b. 'Stricta' and Taxus b. 'Stricta Aurea'.  The green Taxus b. 'Stricta' range from 7-10', all with very nice form.

Taxus bac. 'Stricta'  8/9' 

Taxus bac. 'Stricta'  8/9' 

Taxus bac. 'Stricta'  9/10'

Taxus bac. 'Stricta'  9/10'

The Taxus bac. 'Stricta Aurea' are slightly shorter, but still big for this variety.  Most are in the 7-9' range.

Taxus bac. 'Stricta Aurea'  7/8'

Taxus bac. 'Stricta Aurea'  7/8'

Taxus bac. 'Stricta Aurea'  8/9'

Taxus bac. 'Stricta Aurea'  8/9'

Specimen Rhododendrons

We just located and brought in 2 large specimen Rhododendrons.  The first one is approx. 17/18'H x 20/22'W left to right & 17/18'W front to back. 

Rhododendron  specimen

Rhododendron  specimen

It was just barely touching a house so it's slightly sided on one side, but will fill in nicely.  If that's not a concern, it looks amazing from 3 1/2 sides.  Color is pink.  Variety believed to be 'Alice'.  

Rhododendron specimen, back side

Rhododendron specimen, back side

Rhodendron, specimen (? 'Alice' ?)

Rhodendron, specimen (? 'Alice' ?)

Rhododendron specimen, trunk close-up

Rhododendron specimen, trunk close-up

Rhododendron, specimen  Flower Detail (? 'Alice' ?)

Rhododendron, specimen  Flower Detail (? 'Alice' ?)

The second Rhodie is a red flowering variety (believed to be 'Lord Roberts') and is approx. 13/14'H x 17/18' left to right & 14/15' front to back.  It looks amazing from all sides, just a few woodpecker holes on the trunk (purely cosmetic).

Rhododendron specimen

Rhododendron specimen

Rhododendron specimen, alternate view

Rhododendron specimen, alternate view

Rhododendron specimen (? 'Lord Roberts' ?)

Rhododendron specimen (? 'Lord Roberts' ?)

Rhododendron specimen, trunk close-up

Rhododendron specimen, trunk close-up

Rhododendron, specimen (?Lord Roberts?) flower

Rhododendron, specimen (?Lord Roberts?) flower

Giant Timber Bamboo specimens

Phyllostachys vivax is one of the fastest growing, hardiest timber bamboos.  It usually grows to approx. 40-45' tall with canes up to 4-5" wide. 

Phyllostachys vivax  specimen

Phyllostachys vivax  specimen

Perfect for instance vertical accents, green screening or start your own bamboo grove.  This bamboo doesn't need much growing space to easily top 30' tall and is easily controlled with standard root pruning methods.

potting up  Phyllostachys vivax  specimens  

potting up  Phyllostachys vivax  specimens  

Acer griseum- specimen, shaped

It almost looks like a tree you draw when you're a kid.  This Acer griseum is perfectly symmetrical with excellent inner branching structure. 


Acer griseum  specimen

Acer griseum  specimen

Acer griseum  fall color

Acer griseum  fall color


 Its huge 7" caliper trunk supports a tree that's approx. 18/20'H x 12/14'W.

Acer griseum  specimen, trunk

Acer griseum  specimen, trunk

Acer pal. 'Omurayama' specimen

This monster was just brought in from a local field.  It's a magnificent specimen Acer pal. 'Omurayama' (aka 'Omure Yama').  It's approx 10'H x 20'W (16' front to back) with a 6.5" caliper.  

Acer pal. 'Omurayama'  Specimen
 Acer palmatum 'Omurayama'  specimen

 Acer palmatum 'Omurayama'  specimen

Acer p. 'Omurayama',  alternate view

Acer p. 'Omurayama',  alternate view

A picturesque trunk and gently arching branches create a stunning view from either side.

Acer p. 'Omurayama'  trunk.  6.5" caliper

Acer p. 'Omurayama'  trunk.  6.5" caliper

 Acer p. 'Omurayama' fall color

 Acer p. 'Omurayama' fall color

Sheared Tanyosho Pine specimens (Only 6 left)

We just located and dug 7 Pinus densiflora 'Umbraculifera'.  They had been lightly shaped in the past and we put a finishing shear on them.  They are approx 11/14'H x 10/12'W with trunks ranging from 7-12".  Perfect for a topiary garden or formal landscape.

Pinus densiflora 'Umbraculifra'  sheared specimen

Pinus densiflora 'Umbraculifra'  sheared specimen

Pinus dens. 'Umbraculifera'  specimens

Pinus dens. 'Umbraculifera'  specimens

Specimen Shade Trees

While hunting for large unique specimens, we occasionally stumble upon some high caliper trees of more common varieties.  Nothing crazy about the types of trees listed here- what's impressive is the size and the instant mature look they provide.  This Nyssa sylvatica has a 6" caliper and is approx 14/16'H x 8/10'W.  Fall color is mind-blowing!

Nyssas sylvatica  Specimen

Nyssas sylvatica  Specimen

This Norwegian Sunset Maple is about as perfect as they come.  Approx 18/20'H x 16/18'W with a 6" caliper.  

 Acer truncatum x Acer platanoides 'Keithsform'  (Norwegian Sunset Maple)  Specimen

 Acer truncatum x Acer platanoides 'Keithsform'  (Norwegian Sunset Maple)  Specimen

Acer truncatum x Acer platanoides 'Keithsform' is a heat-resistant J Frank Schmidt selection prized for its uniform canopy and superb branching structure.  Glossy green leaves turn yellow in fall.

Acer trunc. x Acer plat. 'Keithsform  (Norwegian Sunset Maple)   Specimen

Acer trunc. x Acer plat. 'Keithsform  (Norwegian Sunset Maple)   Specimen

6" caliper of Norwegian Sunset Maple

6" caliper of Norwegian Sunset Maple

This Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat' will provide an instant established look.  It's approx 20/22'H x 12/14'W with a 5" caliper.  (The discoloration at top of photo is the beginning of the wine red fall color- not blight).

Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat'  Specimen

Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat'  Specimen

Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat'  Specimen,  alternate view

Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat'  Specimen,  alternate view

Mature bark on 5" caliper Aristocrat Pear specimen

Mature bark on 5" caliper Aristocrat Pear specimen

Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' specimen- SOLD

Appearing as a giant bonsai, the flexible branches and dense foliage of this Ulmus parvifolia 'Yatsubusa' specimen lends itself very well to training. 

Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' specimen

Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' specimen

The 10'H x 14'W size of this monster is impressive and gets better the closer you get.  Its corky bark is furrowed giving it an even older presence in the landscape. 

close up of Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' trunk & bark

close up of Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' trunk & bark

The tiny serrated leaves give the tree a very delicate texture and glow bright yellow in the spring. 

Leaves of Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' just starting to change yellow for fall

Leaves of Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' just starting to change yellow for fall

Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' fall color

Ulmus parv. 'Yatsubusa' fall color