Enormous Laceleaf Maple Character Specimens

We have a some incredible red laceleaf Japanese Maples, and a handful of harder-to-find green ones.  These unique pieces all have sculptural trunks and various tiered branching- highly desirable for focal points.

Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Ever Red'  specimen

Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Ever Red'  specimen

Acer p.d. 'Ever Red'  specimen, close-up

Acer p.d. 'Ever Red'  specimen, close-up

Acer p.d. "green" (waiting to ID variety)  specimen

Acer p.d. "green" (waiting to ID variety)  specimen

Acer p.d. 'Crimson Queen'  specimen

Acer p.d. 'Crimson Queen'  specimen

More Specimen Photos- part 2

More of our specimens are starting to look incredible.  These were all hand-dug to reduce stress on the trees and increase viability. (There is only one available of each variety, unless otherwise noted.) 

Acer p. 'Shojo'  specimen   (3 available)

Acer p. 'Shojo'  specimen   (3 available)

Acer p. 'Shojo'  trunk detail  (7-8" calipers)

Acer p. 'Shojo'  trunk detail  (7-8" calipers)

Acer p. 'Aka Shigitatsu Sawa'  AMAZING specimen!!!

Acer p. 'Aka Shigitatsu Sawa'  AMAZING specimen!!!

Acer p. 'Omureyama'  specimen

Acer p. 'Omureyama'  specimen

Acer jap. 'Green Cascade'  specimen  (2 available)

Acer jap. 'Green Cascade'  specimen  (2 available)

Acer jap. 'Green Cascade'  specimen

Acer jap. 'Green Cascade'  specimen

More Specimen Photos!

As promised, we'll be adding more photos of the huge specimen maples we recently brought in as they start to leaf out and show their true colors.  Here are a few standouts so far.  (There is only one available of each variety, unless otherwise noted.)

Acer jap. 'Aconitifolium'  specimen  (7 available)

Acer jap. 'Aconitifolium'  specimen  (7 available)

Acer jap. 'Aconitifolium'  specimen

Acer jap. 'Aconitifolium'  specimen

Acer jap. 'Aconitifolium'  trunk detail

Acer jap. 'Aconitifolium'  trunk detail

Acer p. 'Margaret Bee'  specimen

Acer p. 'Margaret Bee'  specimen

Acer p. 'Margaret Bee'  trunk detail

Acer p. 'Margaret Bee'  trunk detail

Acer p. 'Sango Kaku'  specimen

Acer p. 'Sango Kaku'  specimen

Acer p. 'Scolopendrifolium'  specimen

Acer p. 'Scolopendrifolium'  specimen

Acer p. 'Shishigashira'  specimen  (5 available)

Acer p. 'Shishigashira'  specimen  (5 available)

Monstrous Camellias

These are possibly the largest Camellias we've had available and 2 of them are the elusive white-flowering varieties!!  We have 4 available and these will not last long.  Just dug from a private estate- an addition to their building meant the Camellias had to go and we were lucky enough to save them so they can continue to be enjoyed.  Call for more photos of individual plants!! 

Camellia specimens

Camellia specimens

Calling all collectors!!!

Every once in awhile, we're lucky enough to find a collection of huge, mature specimens that are unmatched in the trade.  Recently we were given access to a field with 30+ enormous specimens.  Professionals from all around have been saying the same thing: "That's the biggest one of those I've ever seen!"  We'll be posting more pics as they leaf out and better represent how incredible these plants are.  For now, here's just a taste.  Feel free to call for a full list of what we brought in and for additional photos. 

Acer p 'Hogyoku'  specimen

Acer p 'Hogyoku'  specimen

Acer p.d. 'Omureyama'  specimen

Acer p.d. 'Omureyama'  specimen

Acer japonicim 'Filicifolium'  RARE specimen

Acer japonicim 'Filicifolium'  RARE specimen

Hamamelis x 'Diane'  specimen

Hamamelis x 'Diane'  specimen

Ariel shot of our new specimen collection

Ariel shot of our new specimen collection

Few unique beauties

Acer p 'Coonara Pygmy' is a very cool dwarf variety, shown here in a standard.  Tiny leaves and a tight habit give these a one of a kind look and the bright red/orange fall color will blow your mind!!

Acer p. 'Coonara Pygmy'  Jr specimens

Acer p. 'Coonara Pygmy'  Jr specimens

Acer p. 'Coonara Pygmy'  fall color

Acer p. 'Coonara Pygmy'  fall color

Many people are familiar with Styrax japonica (Japanese Snowbell), but a multi-trunk form is very rare.  We have 2 nice Jr specimens on site looking for a good home...

Styrax japonica, multi trunk Jr specimen

Styrax japonica, multi trunk Jr specimen

Styrax japonica, multi trunk Jr specimen

Styrax japonica, multi trunk Jr specimen

Custom plant training

Mother Nature seems to do just fine on her own, but once in awhile we can't help ourselves and want to tweak a tree just a little bit to give it a slightly different look or help it fit into a certain space.  Around our grounds, you'll see countless trees being trained for various reasons.  

hard-training a Pine

hard-training a Pine

Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' being trained to spread horizontally

Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' being trained to spread horizontally

Acer circinatum 'Monroe'  being trained horizontally

Acer circinatum 'Monroe'  being trained horizontally

Training a dissectum maple to spread and trail for a water feature.  Currently approx. 2'H x 15'+W...

Training a dissectum maple to spread and trail for a water feature.  Currently approx. 2'H x 15'+W...

Maple almost done being trained to expose trunk and various tiered levels

Maple almost done being trained to expose trunk and various tiered levels

Mixed maple Specimens

It's easy to get lost in our fields of unique specimen maples.  Red, greens, variegated; uprights, laceleafs...  Here are just a few.  Give us a call or come visit our growing grounds to see them for yourself.

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum'  specimens

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum'  specimens

Acer palmatum,  5-6" caliper specimens & Jr specimens

Acer palmatum,  5-6" caliper specimens & Jr specimens

Acer p.d. 'Pink Lace'

Acer p.d. 'Pink Lace'

many trunks show amazing character when exposed from dirt

many trunks show amazing character when exposed from dirt

Another rare maple- Orange Dream!

Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream' is very rare in production, and almost impossible to find in the 3-trunks clumps we have available.  The new growth is bright red and orange which looks amazing against the bright green trunks.  The yellow fall color is spectacular as well.

Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream' multi-trunk

Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream' multi-trunk

Acer p. 'Orange Dream', leaf close up

Acer p. 'Orange Dream', leaf close up

Very rare!!

Extremely hard to find in this size, the elusive Cornus controversa 'Variegata'.  This beauty is approx. 12/14'H x 10/12'W with picturesque  tiered branching.  Wont last long...

Cornus controversa 'Variegata'  specimen

Cornus controversa 'Variegata'  specimen

Cornus cont. 'Variegata'  branching structure

Cornus cont. 'Variegata'  branching structure

Fagus syl. 'Asplenifolia'

The Fernleaf (or cut-leaf) Beech is making a comeback and we have a few available in larger sizes.  This one is about 14/15' tall x wide with a 6" caliper.

Fagus syl. 'Asplenifolia'  specimen

Fagus syl. 'Asplenifolia'  specimen

This one is bout 18/20'H x 8/10'W with a 5" caliper.  Taller and thinner than the one above.  

Fagus syl. 'Asplenifolia'  specimen

Fagus syl. 'Asplenifolia'  specimen

Fagus syl. 'Asplenifolia'  specimen, structure detail

Fagus syl. 'Asplenifolia'  specimen, structure detail

Pines and Wines

We have about (8) sculptured Pinus densiflora 'Oculus Draconis' specimens.  These are all very unique pieces with horizontal arms sweeping out from main trunks.  Some are more subtle; others have a little more going on.

Pinus densiflora 'Oculus Draconis'  specimens

Pinus densiflora 'Oculus Draconis'  specimens

Pinus dens. 'Oculus Draconis'  specimen

Pinus dens. 'Oculus Draconis'  specimen

Pinus dens. 'Oculus Draconis'  needle detail

Pinus dens. 'Oculus Draconis'  needle detail

Next is a 25'+ Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid' specimen.  A stately tree for any collector or a focal point off in the distance.

Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid'  specimen

Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid'  specimen

And lastly, for the "wine"...  We have (7) specimen grapes we just brought in from a private garden whose family grew them to dapple in wine making.  Although we're not sure of the variety yet, their ornamental character is enough for now...

Vitis 'unknown variety'  specimens

Vitis 'unknown variety'  specimens

Flowers that make scents...

We've been on the lookout for unique Magnolias and fragrant Witch Hazel.  Below are a few examples and we have many more available.

Magnolia den. 'Forrest's Pink'

Magnolia den. 'Forrest's Pink'

Magnolia kobus  SPECIMEN

Magnolia kobus  SPECIMEN

Below are some tree-form Hamamelis with very individual branching (perfect for a winter focal point) and some unique shrub form with low, outward spreading branches that create a totally distinct look...

Hamamelis 'Arnold Promise'  tree form

Hamamelis 'Arnold Promise'  tree form

Hamamelis x int. 'Jelena' & 'Copper Beauty'   shrub forms

Hamamelis x int. 'Jelena' & 'Copper Beauty'   shrub forms

3 Sweetgums

1 monster 'Variegata' and 2 'Slender Silhouette'.  The first is Liquidambar sty. 'Variegata' and is approx. 20/22'H x 12/14'W.  It was dug to make space in a garden rather than being chopped down.  Currently in a 6' rootball.  Hardier than the straight species (down to a Zone 5b) and only gets about 1/2 as tall (up to 30').

Liquidambar styraciflua 'Variegata'  Specimen

Liquidambar styraciflua 'Variegata'  Specimen

Amazing leaf patterns and coloration with cream-colored blotches and variegated edges. In fall the green turns yellow/gold and the cream turn peach & red!

Liquidambar sty. 'Variegata'  leaf detail

Liquidambar sty. 'Variegata'  leaf detail

We also have 2 'Slender Silhouette' Sweetgum.  Extremely narrow and upright, these make an amazing accent.  They are approx 18'H x 2'W and give off a spectacular fall display of yellows, oranges and red.

Liquidambar sty. 'Slender Silhouette'  Jr Spec

Liquidambar sty. 'Slender Silhouette'  Jr Spec

Big 'ol Nyssa- SOLD

This Nyssa sylvatica tips at just over 25' tall and approx 18/20' wide.  In a few weeks when this thing develops it's fall color- watch out!  Another find from a nurseryman's private collection; they were reluctant to let it go, but we had to have it.  Now you can have it in your garden!

Nyssa sylvatica  Specimen

Nyssa sylvatica  Specimen

Nyssa syl.  Specimen, alt view

Nyssa syl.  Specimen, alt view