Boxwood Specimens - various varieties, shapes and sizes

We have recently brought in a group of specimen boxwood in an assortment of shapes, sizes and quantities.  These are up to 15-20 years old and have been sheared regularly.  Choose from 'Green Velvet', 'Green Mountain', 'Varder Valley' and 'Aureovariegata'.  Please contact us for availability and pricing.


Espaliered Fruit Trees


Professional grown,mature, espaliered fruit trees have always been in high demand.  We can supply these 1.5"-2" caliper available now, or reserve yours for early spring.  Many varieties of apple and pear are available, as well as peaches and cherries.

Many varieties are available:  Apples, Pears, Peaches and Cherries.  Ship now or reserve for Spring.

Many varieties are available:  Apples, Pears, Peaches and Cherries.  Ship now or reserve for Spring.


Acer palm. 'Geisha Gone Wild'

Incredible pink margins around bright purple/red leaves on this cultivar. It transition to more green and cream through the summer.  Develops hot pink and purple fall colors.  It is said to be a dwarf, but we have found it to be relatively fast growing.

Fagus syl. 'Tricolor'

Leaf and flower color is particularly intense this spring in Oregon.  We have a great selection of low-branched and single trunk Fagus syl. 'Tricolor'

Fagus syl. 'Red Obelisk'

This dark purple leafed columnar beech continues to be popular.  It's ideal for narrow spaces, and yet can also be used as a handsome stand-alone specimen, or planted in pairs.

Acer p. dissectum 'Contorta'

This green laceleaf has the character it is named for.  Each one is unique and the vibrant yellow/orange fall color captures attention in the garden. We have a good selection to choose from in our transplant block.

Acer p. d. 'Contorta'

Acer p. d. 'Contorta'

Acer p. 'Bloodgood' multi-trunk

Acer p. 'Bloodgood' is probably the most reliable of the red leaf Japanese Maples.  We have a new group of hand selected, multi-trunk specimens 10'-12' in height.

Acer p. 'Bloodgood' multi-trunk specimens

Acer p. 'Bloodgood' multi-trunk specimens