A favorite red/purple lace leaf
Acer p. d. 'Crimson Queen'
A favorite red/purple lace leaf
Acer p. d. 'Crimson Queen'
Leaves are linear lobed, emerging purple/green. Semi dwarf with golden fall color.
(Lion’s Head Maple) We stock a wide range of sizes from 2’-12’. Dark green leaves give way to red/orange-golden yellow fall color that is reminiscent of a lion’s mane.
Acer p. 'Shishigashira'
New growth emerges salmon pink in the spring and then evolves to green on this semi-dwarf. Fall color is orange to pink.
Paperbark Maple is a reliable favorite. We have a great selection of low-branched specimens.
Acer griseum
(AKA ‘Eagle’s Claw’) gets its name from the sharp tipped, curved lobes of the leaf.
A wide, heavy canopy on this straight green Japanese Maple.
Acer palmatum
We have a nice group of this reliable, sought after, upright purple beech in 3-4” caliper and 14/16’ tall.
This photo shows the similarities and differences between ‘Viridis’ and ‘Contorta’ side by side. Viridis has a smaller, finer leaf and is slower growing. Both have brilliant, fiery orange-yellow fall color. We stock both in many different forms. Some have well developed cascading ‘skirts’, great for water features.
Leaves emerge crimson/orange and then deepen to burgundy on this reliable lace leaf Japanese Maple.
Acer p. d. 'Tamukeyama'
Acer p. d. 'Tamukeyama' tree form
This reticulated variety gets its name from the sharply toothed leaves that emerge pink or rose in the spring.
Acer p. 'Tiger Rose'
Acer p. 'Tiger Rose' leaf
Acer p. 'Bloodgood' is arguably the most popular and reliable red Japanese Maple. We are well stocked with an excellent selection ranging in size from 8'-14' multi-stem to 5"-7"+ caliper specimens. Our Bloodgoods have been hand selected for superior structure and character. They have all been hand dug and transplanted (root pruned) at least once.
The cut-leaf form of the Japanese Emperor Oak makes an unusual specimen for the garden. An exceptionally rare and unique oak with foliage that looks fernlike as its leaves are deeply divided into narrow lobes. With time, it develops a dense lacy crown that always turns heads. The tree grows to about 20′ tall and is narrowly upright. Emperor oak is easy to grow in full sun to light shade.