Don't see these too often- Hydrangea quer. 'Snow Queen' patio trees. Branching starts at about 24-30" and the plants have been pruned to thicken the stems and support the weight of all the summer blooms. There are 12 available- half are approx 4/5'H x 3/4'W and the others are approx 5/6'H x 3/4'W.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' tree form
It's pretty hard to beat Magnolia macrophylla for leaf and flower size. We sold our larger specimen, but have found some more beauties. They're approx 8/10'H x 7/8'W. The leaves can grow over 30" long!
Magnolia macrophylla 8/10'
Magnolia macro.- leaves and flower
One of the smaller Vine Maples, Acer circinatum 'Sunny Sister' is a slow grower to only 5/6' in 10 years. Its new spring growth of peach and pink fade to a nice chartreuse in the summer (usually with pink margins remaining.) We have found some beauties in the 3/4' range now.
Acer circinatum 'Sunny Sister' 3/4'
Acer circ. 'Sunny Sister' summer leaf color
Not too many of these kicking around anywhere and only 1 to be found (for sale) with any size up here so far. Standing tall at 9/10'H (and only 30" across) Sambucus nigra 'Pyramidalis' makes a bold statement. This is a much older specimen with extremely furrowed bark on a 4" trunk. Good plant on which to test your plant friends' ID skills...
Sambucus nigra 'Pyramidalis' specimen
Sambucus nig. 'Pyramidalis' 4"+ trunk