Fagus syl 'Cristata'- rare old variety

In cultivation since the 1800's, this rare form is still extremely hard to come by.  Fagus syl. 'Cristata' can eventually become a 20-30' tree, but is very slow growing so this 12/14'H x 5/6' will be easily manageable in your garden for quite a long time.  The non-beech like leaves cluster together on congested, contorted clumps.

Fagus sylvatica 'Cristata'

Fagus sylvatica 'Cristata'

Fagus syl. 'Cristata'  leaf detail

Fagus syl. 'Cristata'  leaf detail

Ultra-rare weeping Nyssa

This Nyssa sylvatica 'Autumn Cascade' is approx 6/7'H x 6/7'W with a 3.5" caliper.  This rare form has a strong weeping habit with leaves that are slightly larger and more rounded than the species; still glowing bright red/orange in the fall.  Mature height is about 10/12'H x 8/10'W.

Nyssa sylvatica 'Autumn Cascade'

Nyssa sylvatica 'Autumn Cascade'

Nyssa syl. 'Autumn Cascade'  leaf close-up

Nyssa syl. 'Autumn Cascade'  leaf close-up

Sheared Hollies & Boxwoods

Ever-growing in popularity are evergreen hedges and accents.  We recently came across a very limited number of incredible sheared hollies.  These monsters will create a dramatic impact all year round. Heights range from 3' no nearly 6' high; some are 4'wide!

Ilex- sheared cylinder

Ilex- sheared cylinder

Ilex- sheared cylinder

Ilex- sheared cylinder

Ilex- sheared cylinder

Ilex- sheared cylinder

  We also have some cylindrical 5/6' tall Boxwoods we've been shearing for a few years, as well as some 3/4' globes that are almost ready too.

Buxus semp.  Globe

Buxus semp.  Globe

Buxus semp.  Globes

Buxus semp.  Globes

Professionally pruned SPECIMEN Laceleafs

Finding mature laceleaf Japanese Maples with nice form is hard enough, but to come across some that have been professionally pruned is very exciting!  We have seven 'Ornatum' specimens that are 40+ years old with incredible branching structure.  They range from 6-10'H, some with 16' spreads.  .

Acer palmatum dissectum Display Gardens

Acer palmatum dissectum Display Gardens

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #1

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #1

displaying some of the new Maples in our gardens

displaying some of the new Maples in our gardens

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #2

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #2

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #2, alt view

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #2, alt view

Acer p.d. freshly transplanted into our gardens

Acer p.d. freshly transplanted into our gardens

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #3

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #3

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #3, low branches

Acer p.d. 'Ornatum' SPECIMEN #3, low branches

HUGE Acer p.d. 'Contorta' SPECIMEN

You have large green laceleafs, and then you have HUGE green laceleafs.  This is one of the most spectacular Viridis specimens we've ever come across.  It measures approx 12/13'H x 14/15'W !! 

Acer p.d. 'Contorta'  SPECIMEN

Acer p.d. 'Contorta'  SPECIMEN

Acer p.d. 'Contorta'  interior branching

Acer p.d. 'Contorta'  interior branching

Acer p.d. 'Green Filigree' SPECIMEN

A very unique plant in both leaf texture and habit.  We've done some very light training to expose the amazing inner branching structure of this specimen.  This variety isn't very common, especially one of this size and form.  

Acer p.d. 'Green Filigree'  SPECIMEN

Acer p.d. 'Green Filigree'  SPECIMEN

Acer p.d. 'Green Filigree' SPECIMEN, alt view

Acer p.d. 'Green Filigree' SPECIMEN, alt view

Acer p.d. 'Green Filigree'  leaf close-up

Acer p.d. 'Green Filigree'  leaf close-up

Monster Taxus!!

With evergreen hedging constantly in demand, it's becoming harder to find material of larger size.  In most cases, homeowners want instant privacy and that generally requires a plant of at least 6' to accomplish.  We just found some beautiful Yews that are 7/8'; some are in the 8/9' range too!  

Taxus x m. 'Hicksii'  8' specimen

Taxus x m. 'Hicksii'  8' specimen

Taxus x m. 'HM Eddie'  7/8'

Taxus x m. 'HM Eddie'  7/8'

Taxus x m. 'HM Eddie' 8/9'

Taxus x m. 'HM Eddie' 8/9'

Amazing Acer p. 'Bloodgood' SPECIMENS

The old trusty standby of Japanese Maples.  Usually we wouldn't feature these, but we have some spectacular specimens that we felt needed to be showcased.  These are in the 12-16'H&W range; some with 4-5" calipers.  We have 14 available now and can summer dig if needed.

Acer p. 'Bloodgood'  SPECIMEN

Acer p. 'Bloodgood'  SPECIMEN

Acer p. 'Bloodgood'  SPECIMEN

Acer p. 'Bloodgood'  SPECIMEN

Bloodgood Japanese Maples, on the dock & ready to ship

Bloodgood Japanese Maples, on the dock & ready to ship

Taxus x m. 'H.M. Eddie'

One of the best options for an evergreen hedge is the classic Eddie's Yew.  These upright shrubs have soft dark green needles and are hardy to Zone 4.  'H.M. Eddie' is a fruitless (no red berries) variety that can get up to 15' if left alone.  Most gardens keep them much shorter and denser and we've given them a jump-start on this by shearing them to create some beautiful plants that are very dense already for their size.  We have them ranging from 3-5', with a handful of 7-8' Specimens available too.  The specimens are great for end caps.  

Taxus x media 'H.M. Eddie'  5' heavy

Taxus x media 'H.M. Eddie'  5' heavy

Taxus x m. 'H.M. Eddie'  4 1/2'  heavy

Taxus x m. 'H.M. Eddie'  4 1/2'  heavy

Taxus x . 'H.M. Eddie'  3 1/2'  heavy

Taxus x . 'H.M. Eddie'  3 1/2'  heavy

The next 2 photos show the 7/8' Specimens.  These are great as end caps for a hedge row; or use a few together for a instant tall hedge.  We have 10 available now, but they'll go quickly.

Taxus x m. 'H.M. Eddie'  SPECIMEN

Taxus x m. 'H.M. Eddie'  SPECIMEN

Taxus x m. 'H.M. Eddie'  SPECIMEN

Taxus x m. 'H.M. Eddie'  SPECIMEN

Prunus fr. 'Globosa'

Need that perfect tree to accent a smaller Allee?  Or looking for a natural topiary for a formal garden or entrance?  Prunus fruticosa 'Globosa' is a perfect choice.  We recently located some of these and the row in the field gives you an idea of the formal options you can create with this plant.  Hardy in Zones 3-8.

Prunus fruticosa 'Globosa'  formal row

Prunus fruticosa 'Globosa'  formal row

Prunus fr. 'Globosa'  uniform high hedge or Allee accent

Prunus fr. 'Globosa'  uniform high hedge or Allee accent

Prunus fr. 'Globosa'  single tree detail

Prunus fr. 'Globosa'  single tree detail

Prunus fr. 'Globosa'   uniform understory

Prunus fr. 'Globosa'   uniform understory

Cornus kousa 'Satomi' SPECIMEN

Hardy in Zones 5-8, Cornus k. 'Satomi' is a standout in the garden.  Bright pink blooms and mottled bark make it a great all season tree.  This specimen has a 4.5" trunk and is approx. 14/16'H x 16/18'W.

Cornus kousa 'Satomi'  SPECIMEN

Cornus kousa 'Satomi'  SPECIMEN

Cornus k. 'Satomi'  flowers

Cornus k. 'Satomi'  flowers

Cornus k. 'Satomi'  trunk detail

Cornus k. 'Satomi'  trunk detail

Styrax japonicum 'Carillon' 2 SPECIMENS

The only one we had last year sold within days of being dug and put in our display landscape.  These trees instantly command attention.  We have 2 specimens that were just made available after a year of being held while we gently trained and enhanced them just so slightly.  They do most of Mother Nature's work on their own; just needed a little touch up. 

Styrax japonicum 'Carillon'  SPECIMEN

Styrax japonicum 'Carillon'  SPECIMEN

Styrax j. 'Carillon'  SPECIMEN, alt view

Styrax j. 'Carillon'  SPECIMEN, alt view

Styrax j. 'Carillon'  flowers

Styrax j. 'Carillon'  flowers

Styrax j. 'Carillon'  branching close-up

Styrax j. 'Carillon'  branching close-up

The second specimen we have is tentatively sold, but here's a sneak peek just in case...

Styrax j. 'Carillon'  SPECIMEN #2

Styrax j. 'Carillon'  SPECIMEN #2

Acer pseu. 'Eskimo Sunset'

Very hard to find in this size (we have some over 4" caliper) and the foliage says enough.  It emerges orange and pink with irregular green markings, then the colors subdue to cream and pink with bright purple undersides. These will mature at about 15-20' and are hardy in Zones 5-8.

Acer pseudoplatanus 'Eskimo Sunset'

Acer pseudoplatanus 'Eskimo Sunset'

Acer pseu. 'Esk Sunset'  leaf color

Acer pseu. 'Esk Sunset'  leaf color

Acer pseu. 'Esk Sundet'  leaf detail, close-up

Acer pseu. 'Esk Sundet'  leaf detail, close-up

Acer pseu. 'Esk Sunset'  leaf underside- will change to purple

Acer pseu. 'Esk Sunset'  leaf underside- will change to purple

White Dogwoods- SOLD

JNI has a nice selection of white-flowering Dogwood specimens now.  These are approx. 4"+ caliper and give the garden an instant mature feel.  White is always a hot color and these will go quickly.

assorted Dogwood specimens

assorted Dogwood specimens

Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess'

Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess'

Cornus x 'Rutban'  (Aurora) Dogwood

Cornus x 'Rutban'  (Aurora) Dogwood

Cornus x 'Rutban'  (Aurora) Dogwood,  alt. view

Cornus x 'Rutban'  (Aurora) Dogwood,  alt. view

TRUE SPECIMEN: Burgundy Lace

This may quite possibly be the most magnificent Japanese Maple specimen that JNI has ever had on site.  This Acer p. 'Burgundy Lace' is approx 20'H x 28'W with an 18"caliper!  It took over a month and a half to dig (with a week in between each tie-up session).  If you need a showpiece and have the room, no other tree compares to this gem.

Acer p. 'Burgundy Lace'  specimen

Acer p. 'Burgundy Lace'  specimen

Acer p. 'Burgundy Lace'  trunk close-up

Acer p. 'Burgundy Lace'  trunk close-up

Acer p. 'Burgundy Lace'  specimen

Acer p. 'Burgundy Lace'  specimen

Tying up the monster for transport.  Branches can only be pulled so far each time until the cell walls relax enough to be pulled in some more.  It took 5 different sessions spread out over 7 weeks to tie the tree up tight enough to get it …

Tying up the monster for transport.  Branches can only be pulled so far each time until the cell walls relax enough to be pulled in some more.  It took 5 different sessions spread out over 7 weeks to tie the tree up tight enough to get it within the maximum width allowed to transport on public roadways.  It was all worth it- not 1 broken branch!